Nepali player included in CPL draft

A Nepali player has been drafted for the auction of Caribbean Premier League that will take place at London in 1st march..

In the fifth edition of the tournament, six teams will take part where world class players from different Test nation take part.

According to official website of CPL, 227 players are drafted for the auction. With 53 players, Pakistan has the highest number of representation in the draft. Similarly, 23 players have been drafted from Srilanka. Players from test nations such as England, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and Ireland are also included in the draft.

Among the associate nation, Cananda, Oman, America, Hong Kong, Scotland, Nepal, UAE and Kenya has representation in the draft.

sandeep lamichhane
Sandeep Lamichhane

It can be easily predicted that Sandeep Lamichhane will represent from Nepal. Sandeep was the first player from Nepal to be chosen for Indian Premier League. Sandeep’s likelihood to play in several other premium leagues of the world has been boosted by his outstanding performance in the ICC WCL division-2 tournament. The fact that he has recently been selected for the Delhi Daredevils side to play in IPL has also attracted interest from other different leagues.


थप समाचार

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